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    Your True Self - Pull it all together so you're                 on SOLID ground within yourself.
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Or focus on any of the other pages on this site.

Uncovering Truths - Political Domination
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - TRUTHTELLER
Wisdom Links - Overview of Valuable Elements
Aliens/UFO's/Abductions - Is this the causal factor?
Tom Montalk - Unravels  the Alien Agenda more deeply.
Fukushima - Controlled News denies access

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Aren't you Tired of Hearing 
Your Own Stories Yet?

DownSize to Thrive is more than just information for the intellect...... It's a variety of inner and outer pathways you can choose with what's left of your own Free Will .  It's your job to illuminate your travels whereever you are on any given day! 

DownSize to Thrive functions as a HUB for your search for knowledge, inspiration and emotional balance. It's a map, with Great Directions that are vital for finding your way through the subterfuge of modern life.

AREN'T YOU EXCITED, FASCINATED, EAGER or AMAZED TO FIND OUT WHAT'S BEEN HIDDEN FROM YOU ABOUT WHO, WHY and HOW WE ARE SO SCREWED UP AS A SPECIES? Come on! Don't be an old fogey like most people. Stop thinking you know anything and open your mind!

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality."
Michael Ellner

Our present dillemas have been building to the brink for tens of thousands of years, but even today few want to listen. Now conversations around the water cooler MUST change and turn to important issues. How far can a society go into degradation before getting totally fed up?Our present dillemas have been building to the brink for tens of thousands of years, but even today few want to listen. Now conversations around the water cooler MUST change and turn to important issues. How far can a society go into degradation before getting totally fed up?

This modern disaster has been coming to a head since our DNA was originally manipulation by multi-dimensional, technically advanced beings.  Created as slaves, we can be programmed any way the Matrix Cabal desired. Who in the hell would kill our own selves for the advantage of the controllers at each level on the complex hierarchy except a robot?  We must choose to awaken to the whole fearsome story..... or just keep drugging ourselves up and go down with the ship.

So use your time to raise the bar and focus on your best interests. 
 Humor is humanity's major health benefit so don't freak out as you learn more and more. 
Humanity ranges from a horror show to a cosmic joke in the sentient Universe, so for goodenss sakes, ENJOY THE RIDE.


Pssssttt... Here's one not to miss. Remember the famous Thomas Paine?  What a guy!  Read his quotes on religion HERE
DISCLAIMER:  The listings on this page, and all the listings on this site, do not imply an endorsement on the part of DownSize to ThriveThey are  for informational purposes only

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